Aluminum foil can be divided into industrial aluminum foil and packaging aluminum foil. The chemical composition of industrial aluminum foil is relatively pure, with a thickness of 0.005 ~ 0.2mm. It is mainly used as a capacitor, thermal insulation material, and moisture-proof material in the electrical and electronic industry. The thickness of packaging aluminum foil is generally 0.007 ~ 0.1mm. There are many products such as flat foil, басып шығару фольгасы, colored printing foil, and paper-mounted aluminum foil. It is mainly used as packaging materials for food, tea, paper smoke, т.б.

Industrial Aluminum Foil

Industrial Aluminum Foil

Classification Of industrial aluminum foil

1. industrial aluminum foil can be divided into thick foil, single zero foil, and double zero foil according to the difference in thickness.
① Thick foil: 0.1 ~ 0.2mm.
② Single zero foil: 0.01 mm and less than 0.1 мм.
③ Double Zero Foil: The so-called double zero foil is a foil with two zeros after the decimal point when the thickness is measured in mm. Әдетте, it is an industrial aluminum foil with a thickness less than 0.01mm, яғни, 0.005 дейін 0.009 мм.


2. industrial aluminum foil can be divided into rolled industrial aluminum foil and sheet industrial aluminum foil according to the shape.
Most of the industrial aluminum foil deep-processed wool is supplied in a roll shape, and only a few handicraft packaging occasions use sheet industrial aluminum foil.


3. industrial aluminum foil can be divided into hard foil, semi-rigid foil, and soft foil according to the state.
① Rigid Foil: industrial aluminum foil that has not been softened (күйдірілген) after rolling and does not have a degreasing treatment has a residual surface. Сондықтан, the hard foil must be degreased before printing, laminating, and coating. If it is used for forming, it can be used directly.
② Semi-rigid foil: industrial aluminum foil whose hardness (or strength) is between rigid foil and flexible foil. It is usually used for forming.
③ Soft foil: industrial aluminum foil that is softened after being fully annealed after rolling. The material is soft and there is no residual oil on the surface. Most applications, such as packaging, композиттер, electrical materials, т.б., use flexible foils.


4. According to the surface state, industrial aluminum foil can be divided into one sidelight industrial aluminum foil and two sides of light industrial aluminum foil.
①Single-sided smooth industrial aluminum foil: Double-rolled industrial aluminum foil, the side is bright after splitting, the surface is black, such industrial aluminum foil is called a one-sided smooth industrial aluminum foil. The thickness of bright industrial aluminum foil on one side usually does not exceed 0.025mm.
② Double-sided light industrial aluminum foil: a single sheet of rolled industrial aluminum foil, both sides of which are in contact with the roller. The two sides of the industrial aluminum foil are divided into mirror-faced double-sided light industrial aluminum foil and ordinary double-sided light industrial aluminum foil due to the different surface roughness of the roll. The thickness of the double-sided light industrial aluminum foil is generally not less than 0.01mm.


5. industrial aluminum foil can be divided into plain foil, embossed foil, composite foil, coated foil, colored industrial aluminum foil, and printed industrial aluminum foil according to the processing state.
① Plain foil: industrial aluminum foil without any other processing after rolling, also known as a light foil.
② Embossed foil: industrial aluminum foil with various patterns on the surface.
③ Composite foil: Composite industrial aluminum foil formed by laminating industrial aluminum foil with paper, пластикалық пленка, and cardboard.
④Coated foil: industrial aluminum foil coated with various resins or lacquers on the surface.
⑤Colored industrial aluminum foil: The surface is coated with a single-color industrial aluminum foil.
⑥Printed industrial aluminum foil: industrial aluminum foil with various patterns, үлгілер, characters, or pictures on the surface can be printed by one color, дейін 12 colors.

Flexible industrial aluminum foil can be further pressed into four zero foils for high-end decoration.

Huawei алюминий бағасы

Күн LME LME апталық бағасы 2023-04 LME орташа 2023-04 SMM орташа
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Бағалар жаңартылады 10:00 жұмыс күндерімін.
2. Біздің өнімдеріміздің бағасы LME ауытқуына сәйкес нақты уақытта өзгереді, Валюта бағамы.
3. Қосымша бағалар үшін, біздің бағалар парағын қараңыз 2022 Алюминий бағасы.