Неліктен біздің ауыр алюминий фольга орамдарын таңдау керек??

If you are looking for high quality and cost effective алюминий фольга орамдары for your commercial or industrial needs, сіз дұрыс жердесіз.

1. Huawei алюминийі кез келген қажеттілік пен сипаттаманы қанағаттандыру үшін ауыр алюминий фольга орамдарының жетекші өндірушісі және көтерме сатушысы болып табылады.

2. Our heavy duty aluminum foil rolls are made of high quality aluminum that is strong, durable and heat and moisture resistant. They are ideal for орау, пісіру, пісіру, grilling, freezing and storing food in a variety of environments including restaurants, тамақ қызметі, bakeries, қонақ үйлер, hospitals and more.

Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil in the factory of huawei

Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil in the factory of huawei

3. Our heavy duty aluminum foil rolls are also environmentally friendly and recyclable as they do not contain any harmful chemicals or substances.

4. Our aluminum foil rolls are available in various sizes and thicknesses.

5. үнемді - Our aluminum foil rolls are cost-effective and great value for money. They are durable so you don't have to replace them often.

Heavy duty aluminum foil jumbo roll

Heavy duty aluminum foil jumbo roll

Specification table for heavy duty aluminum foil - Huawei алюминийі

Өнім: Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil
Материал: Алюминий қорытпасы 8011
Қалыңдық диапазоны: 0.024 - 0.038 мм (0.9 - 1.5 млн)
Созылу күші: 90-120 МПа
Ұзарту: 2-5%
Tear Strength: 12-18 g/micron
Беткі әрлеу: Bright or Matte
Heat Resistance: Withstands temperatures up to 400°F (204°C)
Ерекше өзгешеліктері: Күшті, төзімді, and heat-resistant, suitable for high-heat applications such as grilling, пісіру, and roasting. May be coated with a non-stick surface or have a matte finish to make it easier to handle and use.
Қолданбалар: Commercial kitchens, food service settings, industrial insulation, құрылыс, and other high-heat applications.

FAQs about heavy duty aluminum foil

  1. What is the difference between heavy duty aluminum foil and regular aluminum foil? Heavy duty aluminum foil is thicker and sturdier than regular aluminum foil. It is designed to withstand high heat and provide better insulation and protection for your food.
  2. Can heavy duty aluminum foil be used in the oven? Иә, heavy duty aluminum foil is safe to use in the oven. It can withstand high temperatures and is perfect for baking, roasting, and grilling.
  3. Is heavy duty aluminum foil recyclable? Иә, aluminum foil is recyclable. Дегенмен, it is important to clean it thoroughly before recycling it to ensure that it does not contaminate other materials.
  4. How do I choose the right size and thickness of aluminum foil for my needs? The size and thickness of aluminum foil you need depend on the type of food you are preparing and the cooking method you are using. Мысалы, if you are baking a large turkey, you may need a wider and thicker aluminum foil roll. If you are wrapping sandwiches for lunch, a thinner and narrower aluminum foil roll may suffice.
  5. Can heavy duty aluminum foil be used for freezing food? Иә, heavy duty aluminum foil can be used for freezing food. It provides an effective barrier against moisture and air, which helps to prevent freezer burn

Huawei алюминий бағасы

Күн LME LME апталық бағасы 2023-04 LME орташа 2023-04 SMM орташа
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Бағалар жаңартылады 10:00 жұмыс күндерімін.
2. Біздің өнімдеріміздің бағасы LME ауытқуына сәйкес нақты уақытта өзгереді, Валюта бағамы.
3. Қосымша бағалар үшін, біздің бағалар парағын қараңыз 2022 Алюминий бағасы.