Parameters of aluminum tread plate

  • Баламалы атау: алмас алюминий тақталары, алюминий шашақ парақ ( дойбы табақшасы ), алюминий шашақ парақтары ( чек табақ, тексеру тақтасы )
  • Қорытпалар: 1050, 1100, 3003, 3103, 5052, 5083, 5754, 6061, 6082 т.б
  • Текстура: бір жолақ, екі жолақ, үш жолақ, бес жолақ және т

Diamond checker plate

Diamond checker plate, sometimes called aluminum tread plate, aluminum floor plate, or aluminum checker plate, is available in 6061-T6 and 3003-H14 sizes. The 6061-T6 alloy can have a dull or shiny finish and is harder and more durable, және 3003-H14 жарқыраған жарқыраған, and is softer and more formable.

5083 Alloy Diamond Aluminum Checker Plate

5083 Alloy Diamond Aluminum Checker Plate

Қолданба:Trailer, Пандустар, Құралдар жәшіктері, Сәндік еден&Қабырғалар, Көлік, Жүгіру, Тақталар, Тақталар, Док беттері,stairway

5083 alloy diamond aluminum checker plate supplier

We provide a wide range of diamond checker plate, сапалы шикізатты қолдану арқылы өндірілген және әртүрлі дизайнда қол жетімді. Used in diverse industrial applications.We have reliable quality, қолайлы баға және жедел жеткізу. Жалпы сипаттамалар қоймада бар. Арнайы өлшемдерді клиенттердің сұраныстары бойынша теңшеуге болады. Сұрақтарыңыз болса, бізге хабарласыңыз. Біз сізге қызмет көрсетуге қуаныштымыз..

According to different classification of aluminum plate pattern

1. Five-stripe aluminum alloy pattern plate: Five-stripe non-slip aluminum plate has become willow-shaped pattern plate and aluminum alloy pattern plate. Has good anti-slip ability, and is widely used in building (қабат) platform design and other aspects. Because the pattern on the surface of the aluminum plate is arranged in parallel according to the five uneven patterns, and each pattern has an angle of 60-80 басқа үлгілермен дәрежелер, бұл үлгі сырғанауға қарсы тамаша өнімділікке ие. This kind of aluminum plate is usually used in China as a non-slip, with good anti-slip effect, and the price is cheaper.

diamond aluminum alloy plate Five-stripe aluminum alloy pattern plate
Diamond Aluminum Alloy Plate Five-stripe Aluminum Alloy Pattern Plate
orange peel aluminum alloy patterned plate The lenticular pattern aluminum plate
Orange Peel Aluminum Alloy Patterned Plate The Lenticular Pattern Aluminum Plate

2. Compass aluminum alloy pattern plate: non-slip aluminum plate, which has the same effect as Wujin, but it is not often used.

3, orange peel aluminum alloy patterned plate is divided into: classic orange peel pattern aluminum plate, variant orange peel pattern aluminum plate (also known as bug pattern). Its surface shows an orange peel pattern, so it can also be called an orange peel pattern aluminum plate. It is a series of pattern products commonly used in refrigerators, air conditioners and packaging.

4. The lenticular pattern aluminum plate is a commonly used style of anti-slip aluminum plate, which has good anti-slip effect. It is mainly used for carriages, платформалар, skids in cold storage, skids in workshops, and skid in elevators.

5. Spherical patterned aluminum sheet can also be called semi-spherical patterned aluminum sheet. The surface shows a small spherical pattern, like small pearls, so this aluminum sheet can become a pearl-shaped aluminum sheet. Mainly used in outer packaging. The appearance is relatively beautiful. Due to the special pattern, the strength of this aluminum plate is much higher than other pattern series.

6. Other aluminum plate pattern materials: wavy pattern material, water ripple aluminum pattern plate, corrugated pattern aluminum plate (also can be aluminum tile), rattan pattern aluminum plate, three-dimensional triangle aluminum pattern plate, strip pattern aluminum plate, cobblestone aluminum Pattern plate, pattern aluminum pattern plate, triangle strip pattern aluminum plate, butterfly pattern aluminum plate and so on.

7. diamond-shaped aluminum alloy pattern plate: commonly used for packaging pipes or outer packaging.

5083 alloy diamond aluminum checker plate application

5083 Alloy Diamond Aluminum Checker Plate For Building 5083 Alloy Diamond Aluminum Checker Plate For Car
5083 Alloy Diamond Aluminum Checker Plate For Building 5083 Alloy Diamond Aluminum Checker Plate For Car

Huawei алюминий бағасы

Күн LME LME апталық бағасы 2023-04 LME орташа 2023-04 SMM орташа
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

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