Anodized aluminum mirror sheet
Anodized mirror aluminum sheet product description
Анодталған айна алюминийі (жарқын алюминий, алюминий көзілдіріктер) айна сияқты жарқын беті бар алюминийдің бір түрі.
Анодталған айна алюминийі не үшін қолданылады?
Жарықтандыру рефлекторы, безендіру, күн энергиясының коллекторы, атау тақтайшалары, косметикалық қаптама, т.б.
Anodized Mirror Aluminum Product Application |
Cosmetic Packaging Aluminum Sheet | Lighting Reflector Aluminum Sheet | ||
Nameplates Aluminum Sheet | Solar Energy Collector Aluminum Sheet |
Features of anodized mirror aluminum sheet
If you are familiar with the mirror aluminum, you may know that the Anodized aluminum mirror sheet is the best product nowadays. The finish mirror sheet is made by polished, it is more bright and beautiful than anodized mirror sheet, but the surface is easy to get hurt. Anodizing is equivalent to protection of the finish surface. Жалпы, the bright surface will be better which is polished first and then through oxidation effect. If the mirror sheet is oxidized, it can have different colors, and it is not easy to get hurt. Анодтаудан кейін, the performance is stronger, not easily to be damaged, produced product has higher degree of quality.
Anodized aluminum price in China
The price of aluminum metal is affected by the world economic situation, and there will be certain changes every day, but it is not static. Today's price has a certain drop from the previous day.
Market Variety | Орташа баға | Жоғары және құлдырау | Күн |
Changjiang nonferrous aluminium | 20710 | -100 | 05-05 |
Шанхай спот алюминийі | 20710 | -120 | 05-05 |
Guangdong Nanchu Aluminum | 20750 | -110 | 05-05 |
Zhongyuan nonferrous aluminium | 20710 | -100 | 05-05 |
Aluminum anodizing process flow:
Anodizing can enhance the characteristics of one aspect of aluminum plate, and the process of anodizing needs to go through the following 9 steps to complete.
Aluminum anodizing process flow
Mechanical polishing - degreasing - washing - chemical polishing - washing - анодтау - washing - тығыздау - mechanical brightening.