Parameters of aluminum tread plate

  • Баламалы атау: stucco diamond aluminium coils, embossed aluminum checkered roll ( checker rolls), pattern aluminium chequered coil ( chequere coil, chequer coil )
  • Текстура: бір жолақ, екі жолақ, үш жолақ, бес жолақ және т
  • Common alloy: 1000, 3000, 5000, 6000 сериясы
  • Қолданады: Anti-slip floors for vehicles and ships, ғимараттар; тоңазытқыштар, кондиционерлер, әшекейлер, т.б.

Aluminum Checkered Coil Packaging

Aluminum Checkered Coil Packaging

Production Process Of Aluminium Checker Plate

The patterns on the patterned aluminum rolls are for aesthetics. These patterns not only have a decorative function, but also play an anti-skid role in some special cases. The pattern production process includes:

(1) Экструзия: The patterned aluminum plate manufacturer extrudes the heated round cast rod in the mold, and uses air-cooling quenching and artificial aging process to complete the heat treatment during extrusion. The heat treatment intensity of different types of products is also different.

(2) Smelting: Put the matched raw materials into the furnace for smelting according to the customer's requirements, and then dispose of the impurities and gases in the materials through the process of degassing and slag removal.

(3) Кастинг: Under suitable casting conditions, the smelted aluminum liquid is cooled and cast into round cast rods of various specifications.
Aluminum Checkered Coil Production

Aluminum Checkered Coil Production

(4) Ингредиенттер: Calculate the addition amount of each alloy according to the detailed consumption alloy number of the aluminum plate, and then match more reasonable raw materials.

(5) Бояу: Before coloring, the aluminum profile should be oxidized, but the corrosion resistance of the oxidized plate is usually relatively weak, so an anodic oxidation process is required to ensure the performance of the plate.

aluminium checker plate roll

Aluminum checker roll is also called aluminum chequered roll. It is made from aluminum sheet. One side of the surface is embossed with diamond roll pattern. The different pattern can fit different environments and various usage. Aluminum checker roll is better for antirust and lighter than other materials, it can be used for many years and can retain high value after being replaced. This type of checkered roll is widely used as antiskid roll in both commercial and industrial flooring needs and also used in the vehicles, such as the ambulance and the firework truck.

We provide a wide range of aluminium checker plate roll, сапалы шикізатты қолдану арқылы өндірілген және әртүрлі дизайнда қол жетімді. Used in diverse industrial applications.We have reliable quality, қолайлы баға және жедел жеткізу. Жалпы сипаттамалар қоймада бар. Арнайы өлшемдерді клиенттердің сұраныстары бойынша теңшеуге болады. Сұрақтарыңыз болса, бізге хабарласыңыз. Біз сізге қызмет көрсетуге қуаныштымыз..

Advantages Of Huawei Aluminum Checker Sheet

  • 1. accurate size, жақсы сырғанауға қарсы әсері,wide range of applications
  • 2. strong plasticity, easy forming and excellent processing performance.
  • 3. Embossed aluminum sheet can form a dense and strong oxide film on aluminum surface to prevent the intrusion of oxygen, so it has good corrosion resistance.
  • 4. Good elongation and tensile strength, fully able to meet the normal processing requirements (штамптау, созылу), high formability.
  • 5. The surface quality of aluminum checker plate is good, no oil spots, толқындар, сызаттар, roller marks, neat trimming, no burrs.

Aluminium Tread Coil Applications

Aluminium Checker Coil is a highly cost modern material, it can be widely applied in flooring, wall panel, tool box, transportation and other architecture. Huawei Company can always provide our clients with the best aluminium tread plate prices.


Түр Қолданбалар Image
Көлік Van-type vehicle catwalk flooring, wood step of the bus or truck, train inspection hole lid, tank car, the car cold storage. trailer-box
Кеме Orridor and bridges over the lid and floors, баспалдақтар, cabin deck, fish tank, gangway to the floating dock. car-pedal
Architecture Floors, баспалдақтар, сөрелер, such as gutter lid, the bicycle. non-slip-floor
Factory Bench floor and stairs, equipment/ plant machinery, such as ambulatory inspection. bench-and-stairs
Басқа Deck ladder, ladder, showcase, carousel, temporary scaffolding, the structure of marine.

Huawei алюминий бағасы

Күн LME LME апталық бағасы 2023-04 LME орташа 2023-04 SMM орташа
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Бағалар жаңартылады 10:00 жұмыс күндерімін.
2. Біздің өнімдеріміздің бағасы LME ауытқуына сәйкес нақты уақытта өзгереді, Валюта бағамы.
3. Қосымша бағалар үшін, біздің бағалар парағын қараңыз 2022 Алюминий бағасы.