5000 series color coated aluminum coil product

This series coated aluminum coil provided by Huawei includes 5005, 5052, 5754 сериясы, т.б. The 5052, 5005, 5083 and 5A05 series are representative series.

Parameters of 5xxx series color coated aluminum coils

Баламалы өнім атауы

Color coating aluminium, pre-painted ( prepainted ) алюминий, т.б


5005, 5052, 5083, 5086, т.б


Жұмсақ HO (h0), H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, H17, H18, H19, H20, H21, H22, H23, H24, H25, H26, H27, H28, H29, H30, H31, H32, H33, H34, H35, H36, H37, H38, H39, H46, H48, H111, H112, H114, H116, H131, H321 т.б

Түс: қара, ақ, көк, қызыл, апельсин, yellow, жасыл, қызғылт алтын, gray, алтын, т.б

Үлгі: ағаш дәні, тас, camouflage, т.б

түсті қапталған алюминий катушкасы

түсті қапталған алюминий катушкасы

ерекшеліктері 5 series colour coating aluminium sheet roll

  1. The main ingredient of this coated aluminum coil is magnesium element and the content is between 3% және 5%. It is also called aluminum magnesium alloy.
  2. With its low density, it features high tensile strength and elongation.
  3. This series-coated aluminum coil is a commonly used and mature series in China.

ерекшеліктері 5 series colour coating aluminium roll

ерекшеліктері 5 series colour coating aluminium roll

Color aluminum coil coating advantages:

Жазық: no composite high-temperature indentation on the surface. The surface has no residual stress and will not deform after shearing.

Сәндік: Painted with wood and stone grain, realistic physical texture, and vivid natural beauty. The design is arbitrary, gives customers a wide range of personalized choices, enriches the humanistic connotation of products, and gives people more beautiful enjoyment.

Ауа райына төзімділік: high-temperature baking paint pattern made of high light preservation, жақсы түс тұрақтылығы, and the color change is small. Полиэстер бояуға кепілдік беріледі 10 years and fluorocarbon paint for more than 20 жылдар.

Механикалық қасиеттері: Selection of high-quality aluminum, пластик, and adhesive, the use of advanced composite technology. The product has the flexural strength and flexural strength required by the decorative plate. In the four seasons, жел қысымының өзгеруі, температура, ылғалдылық, және басқа факторлар иілуді тудырмайды, деформация, кеңейту, т.б.

Қоршаған ортаны қорғау: corrosion resistance to salt, alkali, and acid rain, itself will not be corroded, will not produce toxic bacteria, улы газ шығармайды, will not cause keel and fixed parts corrosion, flame retardant. Not lower than the B1 level according to national regulations.

Polyester coated aluminium (coated aluminium roll)

Polyester coated aluminium (coated aluminium roll)

Is aluminum veneer just color coated aluminum coil?

Not necessarily. But you can say that.

Aluminium veneer

It is a sheet processed by an aluminum plant, according to the size and thickness required by customers.
Color roller color, after two coax two drying processes, will color. Мысалы, the colorful coating of a car shell, formed on a roll or plate.

Can colored aluminum rolls be used in commercial kitchens?

No need. A commercial kitchen refers to a kitchen engaged in commercial activities and engaged in cooking for the primary purpose of profit. Commercial kitchens do not use color-coated aluminum coil, color coated aluminum coil is the surface of aluminum substrate paint coloring treatment, widely used in aluminum plastic board, industrial plant roof walls, aluminum louvers, composite board, алюминий төбелері, банкалар, and electronic products.

Fluorocarbon colored coated aluminum (colored coated aluminum coil)

Fluorocarbon colored coated aluminum (colored coated aluminum coil)

5xxx series color-coated aluminum coil applications

  1. With the same area as other series, the weight of this coated aluminum coil is lighter. Болғандықтан, ол авиацияда қолданылады, such as fuel tanks in airplanes.
  2. Ол кәдімгі өнеркәсіптерде кеңінен қолданылады.
  3. This coated aluminum coil can also be used in continuous casting and rolling. Оны ыстықтай айналдыруға болады. Болғандықтан, оны тотығуда және терең өңдеуде қолдануға болады.

As a professional manufacturer and supplier of 5000-coated aluminum coils based in China, we at Huawei also offer aluminum sheets, aluminum slit coils, гауһар алюминий протектор тақталары, алюминий жолақтары, алюминий тақталар, anodizing aluminum coils, алюминий катушкалар, және т.б. Whenever you have a need for any of our products, please feel free to contact us at Huawei.

The aluminum sheet is widely used in ACP/curtain panels/honeycomb panels/shutter/roofing and most of the decoration areas.

With superior quality and advanced management, our products had been exported to Euro/North America /East Asia, and many other areas and countries.

5000 Coated Aluminum Coil refers to the aluminum coil through coating and coloring treatment, generally includes 5000 PE coated aluminum coil and 5000 PVDF қапталған алюминий катушкасы. 5000 Coated aluminum coil is widely used to manufacture aluminum composite pa…

Huawei алюминий бағасы

Күн LME LME апталық бағасы 2023-04 LME орташа 2023-04 SMM орташа
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Бағалар жаңартылады 10:00 жұмыс күндерімін.
2. Біздің өнімдеріміздің бағасы LME ауытқуына сәйкес нақты уақытта өзгереді, Валюта бағамы.
3. Қосымша бағалар үшін, біздің бағалар парағын қараңыз 2022 Алюминий бағасы.