Бұл не 1050 алюминий табақ тақтасы?

Aluminum alloy materials are famous for their corrosion resistance, and 1xxx alloys have the best corrosion resistance among all alloys. 1050 aluminum sheets are the most popular alloy aluminum sheets among 1xxx aluminum sheets. 1050 aluminum sheets are generally suitable for medium-strength general sheet metal processing. , The texture of 1050 aluminum plate is relatively soft and cannot be processed with high strength;
In the alloy composition of the 1xxx aluminum plate, the aluminum purity of 1100 is at least 99.0%, the алюминий purity of alloy 1060 is as high as 99.6%, and the aluminum purity of alloy 1060 болып табылады 99.5%;
1050 aluminum sheet has excellent corrosion resistance, high ductility and high reflectivity. These excellent properties determine its position in industrial processing and decoration industries, and have a high usage rate in these industries.

1050 алюминий қасиеттері

1050 алюминий қасиеттері

сипаттамалары 1050 алюминий парағы

1050 aluminum sheet is typically used in applications requiring maximum ductility and moderate strength:

  • Commercially pure aluminum
  • Not heat treatable
  • soft and malleable
  • Excellent cold workability
  • Тамаша коррозияға төзімділік
  • Easy to weld by MIG or TIG process
  • Excellent solderability and solderability
  • Ideal for chemical and electrolytic brightening
  • very good anodizing quality
  • Has a highly reflective finish

The 1xxx family of alloys have excellent forming properties that make them easy to impact, cold draw, deep draw and bend into a variety of shapes. Дегенмен, pure aluminium has only good machinability due to the softness of the alloy.

1050 aluminum sheet is commonly used in general sheet metal work, architectural flashing, cable jacketing, chemical processing plant equipment, vessels, құрылғылар, lamp reflectors and food industry containers.

1050 Aluminum Sheet Chemical Composition

Барлығы Барлығы
Aluminum Min
0.25 0.40 0.05 0.05 0.05 - - 0.05 0.03 0.03 - 99.50

Temper of 1050 Алюминий парағы

In different annealing states, the 1050 alloy aluminum sheet exhibits different physical properties. Common annealing states are O, H111, H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, т.б.;
The most common tempering state of 1050 aluminum plate is H14 - rolling semi-hard work hardening, not annealed after rolling;
The following will show you the performance of 1050 aluminum sheet in different states;

Температура Specified Thickness(жылы) Созылу күші - KSI Elongationin 2 дюйм %
Түпкілікті Өткізіп жібер
Мин Макс Мин Макс
H12 0.008 - 0.020 12.3 18.1 - - -
H12 0.020 - 0.059 12.3 18.1 - - 4
H12 0.059 - 0.118 12.3 18.1 - - 5
H12 0.118 - 0.250 12.3 18.1 - - 7
H14 0.008 - 0.020 15.2 21 - - 2
H14 0.020 - 0.059 15.2 21 - - 3
H14 0.059 - 0.118 15.2 21 - - 4
H14 0.118 - 0.236 15.2 21 - - 5
H16 0.008 - 0.020 17.4 23.2 - - 1
H16 0.020 - 0.059 17.4 23.2 - - 2
H16 0.059 - 0.118 17.4 23.2 - - 3
H16 0.118 - 0.236 17.4 23.2 - - 3
H18 0.008 - 0.020 20.3 - - - 1
H18 0.020 - 0.059 20.3 - - - 2
H18 0.059 - 0.118 20.3 - - - 2
H18 0.118 - 0.236 20.3 - - - -
H19 0.008 - 0.020 21.8 - - - 1
H19 0.020 - 0.059 21.8 - - - 1
H19 0.059 - 0.118 21.8 - - - -
H19 0.118 - 0.236 21.8 - - - -
H22 0.008 - 0.020 12.3 18.1 - - 4
H22 0.020 - 0.059 12.3 18.1 - - 5
H22 0.059 - 0.118 12.3 18.1 - - 6
H24 0.008 - 0.020 15.2 21 - - 3
H24 0.020 - 0.059 15.2 21 - - 4
H24 0.059 - 0.118 15.2 21 - - 5
H24 0.118 - 0.236 15.2 21 - - 8
H26 0.008 - 0.020 17.4 23.2 - - 2
H26 0.020 - 0.059 17.4 23.2 - - 3
H26 0.059 - 0.118 17.4 23.2 - - 4
H26 0.118 - 0.236 17.4 23.2 - - 4
H28 0.008 - 0.020 20.3 - - - 2
H28 0.020 - 0.059 20.3 - - - 2
H28 0.059 - 0.118 20.3 - - - -
H28 0.118 - 0.236 20.3 - - - -
O/H111 0.008 - 0.020 9.4 13.1 - - 20
O/H111 0.020 - 0.059 9.4 13.1 - - 22
O/H111 0.059 - 0.118 9.4 13.1 - - 26
O/H111 0.118 - 0.236 9.4 13.1 - - 29

Mechanical Properties of 1050 Алюминий парағы

Proof Stress 85 Min MPa
Созылу күші 105 - 145 МПа
Бринелл қаттылығы 34 HB
Elongation A 12 Мин %

Physical Properties of 1050 Алюминий парағы

Property Мән
Тығыздығы 2.71 kg/m3
Балқу нүктесі 650°C
Серпімділік модулі 71 GPa
Electrical Resistivity 0.282 x 10-6 Ω.m
Жылу өткізгіштік 222 W/m.K
Thermal Expansion 24 x 10-6/K

Yield Strength Test Of 1050 Алюминий парағы



Yield Strength Test Of 1050 Алюминий парағы

Thickness measurement

1050 aluminum sheet Thickness measurement

1050 aluminum sheet Thickness measurement

Thickness measurement

қолданбалары 1050 aluminum plain plates

1050 aluminum sheet is widely used in printing, ps plate signs, билбордтар, building exterior decoration, bus body, tall buildings and factory wall body adornment, kitchen sink, lamp holder, fan blade, electronic parts, химиялық жабдықтар, механикалық бөлшектер, deep drawing of sheet or spinning concave ware, welding part, жылу алмастырғыш, clock surface and plate, табақ, ас үй ыдыстары, ornaments, reflective equipment, ps plate, басып шығару, т.б.

1050 aluminum sheet popular applications.

Автокөлік, Building, Electrical, General engineering, Қаптама, Renewable, Transport, Аэроғарыш, Tableware, Utensils, т.б

1050 Aluminum Sheet Packing

1050 Aluminum Sheet of packaging meet the export standard. Plastic film and brown paper interlea can be covered at customers’ need. wooden case or wooden pallet is adopted to protect products from damage during the delivery.

Package Of 1050 Алюминий парағы

Package Of 1050 Алюминий парағы

thin metal sheetspackaging

1050 маған жақын алюминий табақ жеткізушілері.

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Huawei алюминий бағасы

Күн LME LME апталық бағасы 2023-04 LME орташа 2023-04 SMM орташа
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Бағалар жаңартылады 10:00 жұмыс күндерімін.
2. Біздің өнімдеріміздің бағасы LME ауытқуына сәйкес нақты уақытта өзгереді, Валюта бағамы.
3. Қосымша бағалар үшін, біздің бағалар парағын қараңыз 2022 Алюминий бағасы.