Uses of different alloy aluminum strips

Uses of different alloy aluminum strips

There are many uses for aluminum strips, such as aluminum-plastic composite pipes, ケーブル, optical cables, transformers, heaters, シャッター, 等々.

1060 Where corrosion resistance and formability are required, しかし強度は高くない. Chemical equipment is its typical use

1100 For processing parts and components that require good formability and high corrosion resistance but do not require high strength, 化学製品など, 食品産業機器および保存容器, sheet metal processed parts, 深絞りまたはスピニングされた凹面容器, 溶接部品, 熱交換器, 印刷版, 銘板, 反射板

3004 プレート, 厚い板, stretched tubes. As long as the extruded tube is used for the body of all-aluminum cans, it requires higher parts than 3003 合金, chemical product production and storage devices, sheet metal processing parts, 建物のバッフル, ケーブルダクト, 下水道, and various lighting components.

3003 Board. Strip. ホイル. Thick plate, stretched tube. Squeeze the tube. タイプ. Baton. Wire. Cold-worked bars, cold-worked wires, rivet wires, 鍛造品, ホイル, and heat sinks are mainly used for processing parts that require good forming properties, 高い耐食性, or good solderability, or those that require these properties. There are workpieces that require higher strength than 1 *** series alloys, 液体を輸送するためのタンクやタンクなど, 圧力タンク, ストレージデバイス, 熱交換器, 化学装置, 航空機の燃料タンク, オイルダクト, 反射板, キッチン用品, washing machine cylinders Body, リベット, 溶接ワイヤー.

5052 This alloy has good formability, 耐食性, ローソク性, 疲労強度, and medium static strength. 航空機の燃料タンクの製造に使用されています, オイルパイプ, sheet metal parts for transportation vehicles, 船, メートル, 街路灯ブラケットとリベット. , Hardware products, 等.