

The art gallery is a concentrated place and representative of urban art. The architecture of many local art galleries is very distinctive. It is a building that interacts with the urban environment through its own cultural connotation.

construction plan

The project aims to expand a protected building in the Badajoz city centre. The two newly built buildings are connected by a courtyard and face two different streets in the city. Considering the various issues that may be involved in the implementation of the expansion in the area (protection of archaeological remains, barriers to boundary walls, and restoration of buildings), the construction team needs to provide a coherent and effective architectural approach.

Curtain wall design

Built on an "L"-shaped plane, the building responds accurately to functions, spaces, structures and technologies. The façade of the building is also very distinctive. The inner and outer façades of the building are covered with perforated aluminum veneers, the scale and pattern of which gives the building a layer of information-printed skin. The curtain wall of the building uses perforated aluminum veneers as the main material, which looks full of artistic texture and highlights the artistic features of the museum. The white aluminum veneer curtain wall greets the surrounding architectural colors, creating a simple and coordinated visual effect that is artistic and stylish. Perforated aluminum veneers are strong in plasticity, curved and curved, and various shapes to create a more unique and beautiful work that can express the various ideas of the designer. Choose from different combinations.

Interior wall decoration style

The perforated aluminum veneer is used as the decorative material for the curtain wall indoors or outdoors. The interior wall and the exterior wall have the same decorative style, which gives a unified and atmospheric effect in the visual, interwoven in the space. In the process, there is no obvious visual impact effect. Perforated aluminum veneers serve as the main body of the exterior of the building. The circular holes on the building's skin that are not complicated in size increase the lively atmosphere of the building and create a novel visual effect. Combined with the perforation rate, the perforated aluminum plate unit has a fixed aperture to create a homogeneous visual effect and a patterned effect. Patterning is a common method in the treatment of perforated aluminum veneers. By changing the perforation rate of the plate to form a specific meaning pattern, the epidermis is given cultural, regional and other meanings.

Interior wall design

This efficient and silent intervention allows the building to be integrated into the city beyond its physical limits, while transforming all necessary functional spaces into star-like presence. The project demonstrates a paradox of good things, where memory and the power it contains will be preserved and continued in due course. The entire museum will be the most modern cultural, artistic and social venue in the heart of Badajoz.