
アルミニウムが空気中で酸化しやすいことは誰もが知っています。. アルミニウムストリップの酸化後, 性能が大幅に低下し、耐用年数が大幅に短縮されます. アルミ板の酸化を防ぐにはどうすればよいですか?? これはほとんどのお客様の心の中にも同じ疑問があるはずです. 次, our company will give some suggestions to the users on how to prevent the oxidation of the aluminum strip:
How to prevent the oxidation of aluminum strips is mainly divided into the following points:
The first point is to grab the source, and after the aluminum strip is produced, let the aluminum strip cool down and the outside temperature is the same before the packaging can be carried out. The best way is to wrap the entire アルミストリップ with a plastic bag. Strictly, put a few bags of desiccant into the package.
2番, in the process of transportation, it is necessary to prevent rain. If it rains, it should be wrapped with tarpaulin and prohibited from entering.


The third point: after unloading the aluminum belt, to the dealer of the aluminum belt, or to the customer, be sure to remember that the warehouse must choose a place with good ventilation and higher terrain, the roof can not leak rain, the sewer must Keep it open to avoid heavy rain and rain.
The fourth point: 使用途中, if the package is taken apart, it can be used in one time, and the package must be re-applied, but in the middle of the interval, it is generally no problem.
Wish these can help you to avoid the oxidization of the aluminum strip and can less some unnecessary cost.
Henan Huawei Aluminum Co.,Ltd packed the aluminum strip with export standard packaging. Welcome to inquiry for cooperation.