
アルミニウムのトレッドプレートは非常に一般的な素材であり、ほとんどどこでも見ることができます。. 新しいタイプの滑り止め素材として, 膨大な数の業界や顧客から認められ、信頼されています.

アルミニウムトレッドプレートの製造プロセスは、大きく分けて次のようになります。 5 ステップ.

1. The ingredients

According to the demands of chemical and physical performance to select the suitable aluminum alloy with various alloy elements content, and then fine the raw materials reasonable.

2. The melting

Put the raw materials in smelting furnace for melting according to production requirement, and then by the methods of degassing and slag to get rid of mixed slag and gas.

3. The casting

With the appropriate condition of casting, after deep well casting system, we got smelting aluminum liquid, and after cooling treatment, casting it into all kinds of round bar.

4. The extrusion of アルミトレッドプレート

Put the heating round bar into casting rods for extrusion, during the extrusion, we should use air cooling quenching process and artificial aging process to complete the heat treatment, heat treatment strength of different types is not the same.

5. Coloring

This is the last step, before coloring, oxidation of aluminum tread plate is needed, the corrosion resistance of oxidant aluminum is a little weak, so anodic oxidation is also the treatment demanded to achieve the result that you want.

After these producing process, aluminum tread plate is produced. To supply qualified aluminum tread plate, the technical required of processing must be strict and accurate, only professional aluminum product manufacturer can accomplish it, so specialized supplier and producing process are the guarantee of high quality aluminum tread plate.