
アルミニウムストリップの原材料は、純アルミニウムまたはアルミニウム合金鋳造圧延アルミニウムコイルおよび熱間圧延アルミニウムコイルです。, 冷間圧延機により、異なる厚さと幅の薄いアルミニウムコイルに圧延されます。, 次に、異なる幅のアルミニウムストリップに切断します.


Aluminum profiles in the color before, the first oxidation, extrusion good aluminum alloy profile, its surface corrosion resistance is not strong, must be anodized to increase the corrosion resistance of aluminum, wear resistance and appearance of beauty.

The main process is as follows:
(1) 表面前処理: chemical or physical methods are used to clean the surface of the profile, exposing the pure matrix, 完全で緻密な人工酸化膜を得るために. 鏡面またはマット (マットな) 表面は機械的に取得することもできます.

(2) 陽極酸化: under certain technological conditions, anodic oxidation takes place on the surface of the pretreated profile, and a layer of dense, porous and strong adsorption AL203 film is generated.

(3) 封印: the pores of the porous oxide film generated after anodic oxidation are closed, 公害防止のため, anti-corrosion and wear resistance of the oxide film are enhanced.

酸化皮膜は無色透明です, using the strong adsorption of the oxide film before sealing, some metal salt is adsorbed and deposited in the film hole, which can make the profile appearance appear natural (シルバーホワイト) outside many colors, のような: 黒, ブロンズ, gold and stainless steel color.

The current aluminum alloy profile coloring methods are: anodic oxidation, 電気泳動, spraying, and wood grain transfer printing four. Because of its excellent anodic oxidation characteristics, most of the black aluminum strip anodic oxidation process for processing.

hot sale aluminum strip size.

2'' wide aluminum strips

3 inch wide aluminum strips

4 inch wide aluminum strips

Aluminum strip processing technology.

An aluminum strip is a deep - processing product made by cutting aluminum coil. 産業上の重要な原料です.

According to the different alloying elements contained in the aluminum strip, aluminum strip and aluminum plate are also divided into 8 シリーズ. しかし, the commonly used series are 1000,3000,5000 そして 8000 シリーズ.

According to the different annealing state of aluminum strip, the aluminum strip can be divided into full soft (O state), half hard (H24) and full hard (H18). The most commonly used should be the full soft series, as the O type is easier to stretch and bend.

The main processing equipment of aluminum strips is the cutting device, which can be divided into the required length and width according to the need.

Around the world, electronic products no longer rely solely on copper tape for raw materials. As the electrical conductivity of aluminum is only lower than that of copper, the substitution of aluminum strip for the copper strip is becoming a worldwide trend.


日付 LME LME 週間価格 2023-04 LME平均 2023-04 SMM平均
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

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2. 弊社商品の価格はLMEの変動に応じてリアルタイムに変動します。, 為替レート.
3. さらに詳しい価格については, 価格ページをご覧ください。 2022 アルミニウムの価格.