
食品グレードのアルミニウムは、 3004 アルミニウム合金板, 主に薄板や箔などの金属製の包装材として使用され、缶に加工されます。, 蓋, ボトル, バレル, および包装用ホイル. 飲料に広く使用されている, 食べ物, 化粧品, 医薬品, タバコ, 工業製品, そして別のパッケージ.




In addition to 3004 food grade aluminum sheets, 5182 アルミシートと 5042 aluminum sheet are also used as food grade aluminum sheets. 例えば, for food-grade cans, the body and bottom of the can are made of 3004 アルミニウム合金, the lid is made of 5182 アルミニウム合金, and the pull ring is made of 5042 アルミニウム合金. It will not cause any harm to the human body.
Aluminum sheet plate for cans

Aluminum sheet plate for cans

Food grade aluminum plate chemical composition

Reference: Wikipedia

そして マグネシウム 亜鉛 Cr その他合計 アル
0.18 0.14 1.05 0.019 1.06 - 0.36 / ≤0.15 残り

Food grade aluminum plate advantages

1. Food grade aluminum sheet has good formability, 溶接性, 耐食性.
2. Has good formability,
3. Extremely high corrosion resistance and solderability
4. Good workability and easy to form
5. High plasticity in the annealed state
6. The strength of the alloy is not high


3004 food grade aluminum sheet

Aluminum sheet plate for food application

Food grade aluminum plate has a wide range of applications in life, because of its smooth surface and seemingly performance, it is commonly used in kitchen utensils.

Aluminum sheet plate for kitchen

Aluminum sheet plate for kitchen table


Aluminum sheet kitchen decoration

Aluminum sheet kitchen decoration


aluminum sheet other applications

aluminum sheet other applications

Is industrial aluminum equal to food grade aluminum?

Both are aluminum alloy substrates, and the biggest difference is that the two alloying elements have different standards. Food grade must have corresponding heavy metal control testing and other quality control standards to meet the standards that are harmless to the human body.