Ⅰ: 6063 Alloy Metal Aluminum Sheet Overview

Ⅰ-a: とは何ですか 6063 アルミシート?

6063 aluminum alloy is Al-Mg-Si alloy, with excellent processing performance, excellent solderability, 押し出し, and plating, 良好な耐食性, 靭性, 簡単な研磨, anodizing Excellent effect, is a typically extruded alloy.6061-T3 is one of the most commonly used 6000 シリーズアルミニウム合金.

6063 販売用アルミシート

6063 販売用アルミシート


6063 aluminum sheert temper

The mean of 6063 T3 aluminum sheet temper


Ⅰ-b: Features of 6063 alloy metal aluminium sheets

The aluminum 6063 has generally good mechanical properties and is heat treatable and highly wieldable. The material can be re-heat-treated to restore a higher temper for the whole piece. しかし, it has half the strength of aluminum 6061 合金. It is typically produced with very smooth surfaces fit for anodizing

Ⅰ-c: 仕様 6063 アルミニウム板


Flat aluminum sheet, アルミ平板, 等


a6063 aluminum sheet, 6063a aluminum sheet, aa6063 aluminum sheet, 6063aa aluminum sheet, al6063 aluminum sheet,

al6063a aluminum sheet, ある 6063 アルミシート, ああ 6063 アルミシート, jis a6063p aluminum sheet,

al6063 aluminum sheet class, aw6063 aluminum sheet, en6063 aluminum sheet grade, 等

3.気性: F, ○, T3, T4, T6, T651, 等

4.厚さ: 3/16 インチ, 3mm, 3.3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 10mm ( 厚い ), 等

5.サイズ ( customized to cut ): 500x1000mm ( 小さい ), 4x8ft (standard size), 5x10 foot etc

6.テクノロジー: 熱間圧延 ( 直流 ), 冷間圧延 ( CC ),

7.表面処理: 陽極酸化された, mirror, カラーコーティングされた, 等

Ⅰ-d: の応用 6063 アルミシートプレート

6063 Aluminum sheet is widely used in for its good plasticity

6063 aluminum alloy is widely used in the construction of aluminum doors, 窓, curtain walls, 灌漑用パイプ, commercial vehicle floor, roof structure, PCB, 車両, ベンチ, duct design, CNC machining, 家具, sublimation blanks, ヒートシンク, square cooling plate, リフト, freezer, shelves, 印刷, decorative hanging wall, roofing sheets, electronic components is a common aluminum alloy model. In order to ensure that doors, 窓, and curtain walls have high wind pressure resistance, assembly performance, corrosion resistance and decorative performance, the comprehensive performance requirements of aluminum alloy profiles are far higher than industrial profile standards.

6063 aluminum sheet is an aluminum alloy, with magnesium and silicon as the alloying elements. It is typically produced with a very smooth surface fit for anodizing. It has generally good mechanical properties and is heat treatable and weldable. It is similar to the British aluminum alloy HE9.

6063 アルミシートサプライヤー

6063 アルミシートサプライヤー


Ⅱ: 6063 Alloy Metal Aluminum Sheet Overview

Ⅱ-a: の化学組成 6063 アルミシート

合金 そして マグネシウム Cr 亜鉛 その他 アル
6063 ≤0.60 ≤0.35 ≤0.1 ≤0.9 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.25 ≤0.1 - ≤0.15 Remainder

Ⅱ-b: 6063 aluminum sheet mechanical properties

気性 Tensile 硬度
究極の Yield 伸長 Brinell
T5, T52 27 186 21 145 12 60
T6 35 241 31 214 12 73

Ⅲ: 6063 alloy metal aluminum sheet plate for shipbuilding

A ship vessel is a necessary object on the ship, its structure in order to prevent overturning strength and stability to achieve certain requirements, ship vessel structure requirements include the use of material mechanical properties, 耐食性, high-temperature resistance, and production process.

6063 aluminum plate hardness is high, hard resistance is strong, will not easily appear fracture phenomenon, can ensure that the liquid in the vessel safe and sound. 6063 aluminum alloy belongs to the aluminum-magnesium-silicon system alloy, is a medium-strength can be heat treatment strengthening alloy, mechanical properties are more stable, tensile strength is good, can resist external pressure, so that the vessel itself deformation degree to the minimum. So it can be used as a marine-grade aluminum sheet.

6063 aluminum hardness and 6063 aluminum alloy tensile strength can be said to determine the ship vessel pressure strength of important factors, 6063 aluminum can be processed into a variety of profiles, 熱処理, and strengthening can be obtained after good mechanical properties, 物理的性質, and corrosion resistance properties, used for offshore ship vessel structure material is more suitable.

6063 販売用アルミシート

6063 販売用アルミシート

Ⅳ: 6063 aluminum sheet surface corrosion

The behavior of 6063 aluminum alloy profile corrosion caused by silicon can be completely prevented and controlled, as long as the raw material purchase and alloy composition are effectively controlled to ensure that the ratio of magnesium to silicon is within the range of 1.3 に 1.7, and the parameters of each process are strictly controlled To avoid segregation and free of silicon, try to make silicon and magnesium form a beneficial Mg2Si strengthening phase.

If this kind of silicon corrosion point phenomenon is found, special attention should be paid to the surface treatment. In the process of degreasing and degreasing, use a weak alkaline bath as much as possible. If the conditions do not allow it, it should also be soaked in acid degreasing liquid for a period of time.

As short as possible (qualified aluminum alloy profiles are placed in acidic degreasing liquid for 20-30 minutes without problems, and problematic profiles can only be placed for 1 に 3 分), and the pH of the washing water should be higher (pH>4, control Cl-content), as long as possible during the alkali corrosion process, the nitric acid light solution should be used when neutralizing the light, and the oxidation treatment should be energized as soon as possible during the anodization of sulfuric acid, so that the dark gray corrosion points caused by silicon are not obvious, To meet the requirements of use.

V: 該当グレード 6063 aluminum sheet packaging

6063 aluminum sheet of Henan Huawei Aluminum. 輸出基準を満たす. Plastic film and brown paper can be covered at customers’ needs. さらに何が, 配送中の製品を損傷から守るために木製ケースまたは木製パレットが採用されています. パッケージは2種類あります, 壁に目を向けるか、空に目を向けるか. お客様の都合に合わせてどちらかを選択できます. 一般的に言えば, がある 2 1つのパッケージにトン, そして読み込み中 18-22 tons in 1×20′ container, そして 20-24 tons in 1×40′ container.

6063 aluminum sheet packaging

中国を拠点とする企業として 6063 アルミシートメーカー and supplier, we at Huawei also produce aluminum slit coil, アルミストリップ, コーティングされたアルミニウムコイル, アルミ板, anodising aluminum sheet, エンボスアルミシート, 等. さらに詳しい情報については, 引き続き当社ウェブサイトを閲覧していただくか、お気軽に直接当社までご連絡ください。.


日付 LME LME 週間価格 2023-04 LME平均 2023-04 SMM平均
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. 価格は次で更新されます 10:00 平日です.
2. 弊社商品の価格はLMEの変動に応じてリアルタイムに変動します。, 為替レート.
3. さらに詳しい価格については, 価格ページをご覧ください。 2022 アルミニウムの価格.