とは何ですか 6000 series alloy tread aluminum plate

The representative series of this series aluminum tread plate is 6061 シリーズ. このシリーズのアルミニウム トレッド プレートの主成分にはマグネシウムとシリシウムが含まれています。. 結果として, 両方の特徴を持っています 4000 そして 5000 シリーズ.

6000 5-bar Aluminum Tread Plate-6005/6061/6082 5-bar Aluminum Tread Plate manufacturer&サプライヤー

6000 アルミニウムトレッドプレートは主に合金で作られています 6005, 6009, 6061. 6000 Aluminum Tread Plate mainly contains Magnesium and Silicon two elements, focus the advantages of 4000 Aluminum Tread Plate and 5000 アルミトレッドプレート. 6000 Aluminum Tread Plate …

Alloys Of 6000 アルミトレッドプレート

Common alloys of 6000 series aluminum sheets are 6061, 6063, 6082, 6005 and 6005A.

6061 合金

6061 is popular for its characteristic toughness in medium to high strength applications. It is the most versatile and widely used of all the other 6000 series alloys because of its heat treatability and relative ease of machining and welding. 6061 alloys contain magnesium and silicon, which makes them more resistant to corrosion even on worn surfaces.

Uses for 6000-series alloys in this form range from transportation to infrastructure to more everyday uses such as fly fishing reels, firearm silencers, non-flight critical aircraft components and automotive components. 6061 is available in a variety of forms including extruded sheet and forgings.

6061 T651 Aluminum Tread Plate

6061 T651 Aluminum Tread Plate

6063 合金

6063 is also an aluminum alloy containing magnesium and silicon. 初め, it has lower magnesium and silicon content and is only half as strong as 6061, making it suitable for applications where strength is not an essential consideration. 2番, it is also possible to achieve higher surface finish standards due to the lower content of alloy constituents.
Common uses of alloy 6063 include door and window frames, non-loadbearing columns, 屋根, decorative structures, railings, 家具, marine and motor vehicle parts, and electrical components such as conduits and pipes for irrigation systems. 合金 6063 is highly resistant to corrosion and protects against environmental degradation.

6082 合金

合金 6082 is often referred to as a "structural alloy" and is the strongest of all the 6000-series aluminum alloys. This is an excellent choice for engineers who do not want to invest in the stronger 2xxx/7xxx series and also has the ability to extrude more complex shapes not possible with 2xxx/7xxx alloys. 6082 is an alloy of silicon and manganese. Known for its machinability, it also has excellent weldability, cold formability and corrosion resistance. Its high amount of manganese allows it to control its grain structure, resulting in a stronger alloy ideal for general-purpose applications requiring extra strength and toughness. One disadvantage is that thin-walled, complex extruded shapes are more difficult to form with 6082 alloy than with other alloys in the 6000 シリーズ.

6082 is a newer alloy that is more widely accepted in North America and can replace 6061 in some applications due to its higher strength. It is commonly used in high stress applications such as bridges, towers, トラス, automotive structures and marine structural applications.

6005 and 6005A alloys

合金 6005 contains more silicon, lowering its melting point and enhancing its extrudability. 一方で, 6005A contains more chromium, which reduces its susceptibility to stress corrosion and improves its toughness. 6005A also contains additional manganese, which increases its strength and extrudability. It can be difficult to produce thin wall and complex extrusions with 6005, but it still has better extrudability than 6082. 両方 6005 and 6005A have excellent bendability and a better milled surface finish than 6061. Both alloys can be easily welded or brazed commercially, but the heat from welding reduces the strength of the alloy. 両方 6005 and 6005A have excellent corrosion resistance, finishing characteristics, and respond well to standard anodizing methods for the manufacture of clear, clear and colored dye and hard coat finishes.

6005, 6005あ, 6061 そして 6082 have many similarities and are interchangeable in some cases, but the extrusion quality and milled surface finish of 6005 and 6005A are much better than 6061 そして 6082.

6005 and 6005A are typically used in applications requiring complex extrusions such as furniture tubing, rail and bus components, パイプ, portable ladders, and applications requiring the higher strength of 6063, as well as some marine applications.

Specifications aluminum plate

  1. 厚さ:0.3mm~10mm
  2. 幅:500mm-1,500mm
  3. 長さ:500mm-6,000mm
  4. 合金:6 シリーズ
  5. 気性:H22, H24, H26,T6,T651;
  6. パターン: finger, 2バー, 3バー, 5バー, and diamond bars

Features of 6061 シリーズアルミニウムトレッドプレート

  1. It is a kind of aluminum tread plate which can be forged with cold treatment and can be used in situations which have high demand in anti-corrosion and oxidation.
  2. 可用性が高く、優れた機能を備えたコネクタの結果として, it is easily coated and has good processability.

の応用 6061 シリーズアルミニウムトレッドプレート

This series aluminum tread plate can be used in processing airplane parts, カメラ部品, カプラー, 船の部品, ハードウェア, 電子アクセサリーとジョイント, バルブとバルブ部品, 等. 低張力兵器や飛行機のコネクターにも使用可能.

自動車の床にもアルミ市松シートが使えます, 飛行機, ライトレール, 車のステップ, 階段の踏み板, エレベーター, 等. ガレージや作業場でもチェックシートをさまざまな用途に使用できます。.

Welcome to Huawei, a professional 6000 aluminum tread plate manufacturer and supplier based in China. In order to better serve our customers, we also provide aluminium slit coil, アルミシート, アルミコイル, エンボスアルミシート, アルミストリップ, anodising aluminum sheet, コーティングされたアルミニウムコイル, 等. If you would like more information about our products, we welcome you to contact us at any time!

Dimensions can be produced according to your specifications,伸びが非常に良い, 防食,一般的に工業および建築業界で使用されます。

this alloy aluminum in the main alloy elements as magnesium and silicon, 中程度の強度で, 良好な耐食性, 溶接性, 酸化効果は良いです. 一定の強度と抗生物質耐性の要求に応じて、産業構造の高度な範囲に幅広く適用されます。, トラックの製造など, 塔の建物, 船, 電車, 鉄道車両, 家具, 等.


日付 LME LME 週間価格 2023-04 LME平均 2023-04 SMM平均
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. 価格は次で更新されます 10:00 平日です.
2. 弊社商品の価格はLMEの変動に応じてリアルタイムに変動します。, 為替レート.
3. さらに詳しい価格については, 価格ページをご覧ください。 2022 アルミニウムの価格.