Rangli qoplangan alyuminiy lasan nima?

Qoplangan alyuminiy lasan alyuminiy lasanni qoplama va rang berish orqali anglatadi, odatda pe qoplangan alyuminiy lasan va PVDF bilan qoplangan alyuminiy lasanni o'z ichiga oladi.,alyuminiy lasan yuzasiga rangli püskürtme ta'siriga ega bo'lgan mahsulotni nazarda tutadi, rangli qoplangan alyuminiy lasan deb ham atash mumkin. Coated aluminum coil is widely used to manufacture aluminum composite panel, aluminum ceiling…

This color coated aluminum coil uses aluminum-manganese-magnesium alloy which is a kind of aluminum material mixed with manganese and magnesium. The alloy material provides higher tensile strength and stretching strength and better oxidation and corrosion resisting properties than common aluminum.

color aluminum coil for sale

Color coated aluminum coil features

1. It is light in weight and has good anti-corrosion property. It can also be processed directly.

2. According to different operating environment, the user can choose different resins, such as silicone-modified polyester, PVC plastisol, polyvinylidene chloride, va boshqalar. for the coating used in this coated aluminum coil.

3.Qoplama bilan ishlov berishning maqsadi arxitektura sohalarida chiroyli effektlarga ega bo'lishdir, bezatish va uy;

4.The coating process and coating thickness are directly related to the product quality and service life of coated aluminum coil.

The parameters of color coated aluminum coil

General parameters of color-coated aluminum coil

Umumiy qotishma 1050, 1070, 1100, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3105, 5005, 5052, 5754 va boshqalar
Qalinligi 0.25mm, 0.30mm, 0.40mm, 0.50mm va boshqalar
Kengligi 1240mm, 1270mm, 1520mm, 1550mm, 1575mm va boshqalar
Rang qora, oq, ko'k, qizil, momaqaldiroq, sariq, atirgul oltin, kulrang, oltin va boshqalar
Naqsh yog'och don, tosh, kamuflyaj va boshqalar
Aluminum coil series

What is the specific process of coating aluminum coil?

Qoplama jarayoni rangli alyuminiy lasan ishlab chiqarishning asosiy bosqichidir, which directly affects the final coating quality and product durability.Generally, rulonli qoplama ishlab chiqarish jarayoni besh bosqichdan iborat, ya'ni lasan kiritish, tozalash va kimyoviy tozalash, rasm chizish, davolash va tayyor mahsulot ishlab chiqarish. Jarayon sxemasi va uskunaning tarkibi turli hollarda alohida bo'ladi, lekin asosiy qismlar bir xil.

  1. Xom ashyo bobinining kiritilishi - ishlab chiqarish liniyasiga rulonning uzluksiz va barqaror kiritilishini ta'minlash uchun Uncoilerning uzluksiz ochilishi.. Ba'zilar o'zaro faoliyat aylanuvchi nurli rulonni qabul qilishadi, va ba'zilari old va orqa tarafdagi o'zgaruvchan uncoilersning ikkita to'plamini qabul qiladi. Qisqasi, bu rulonni o'z vaqtida etkazib berish uchun;
  2. Sirtni tozalash va kimyoviy ishlov berish alyuminiy lasanning yuqori va pastki yuzalarini tozalash va bo'yoqning mahkam yopishtirilishini ta'minlash uchun kimyoviy dastlabki ishlov berishdan iborat.;
  3. Rasm uchun, bitta ishlab chiqarish liniyasi bo'yoq va astarning ikki qatlamini ta'minlash uchun kamida ikkita rulonli qoplamaga ega bo'lishi kerak;
  4. Bu bo'yoq qatlamini davolashni nazarda tutadi, Bu shuni anglatadiki, yangi bo'yalgan bobin o'zaro yopishmaslik va shikastlanmaslik uchun keyingi rulon yuzasiga tegmasdan oldin sobit chiziqni yakunlashi kerak.. Umuman aytganda, u kamida ikkita davolash qutisini o'z ichiga oladi;
  5. Bu ishlab chiqarish liniyasining tezligi tayyor mahsulotlarni uzatish bilan sinxronlashtirilishini ta'minlash uchun tayyor mahsulotlarni chiqarishdir.

color coated aluminum coil factory

Where can huawei coated aluminum coil be used?

  • To produce aluminium composite panel or aluminum veneers.
  • Used in exterior applications for decoration and protection of exterior wall, canopy, roof and pillar, va boshqalar.
  • Aluwell coated aluminum coil is also ideal for interior decoration for wall, shift, bathroom and kitchen, va boshqalar.
  • Used in advertising boards or shop front decoration.

Color coated aluminum

Color-coated aluminum plate technical indicators

  1. Aluminum coil width: 200mm-1,590mm
  2. Aluminum material thickness: 0.08mm -1.2mm (±0.02mm)
  3. Outer diameter of aluminum coil: ≤1,200mm
  4. Aluminum coil weight: ≤3,000kg /coil
  5. The aluminum coated coil can be cut into sheets in any size.
  6. Alyuminiy qotishmasi: 1100 H16, 3003 H18, or others according to customers's requirements.

Color coated aluminum coil supplier

We use precision coating technology to make PE, PVDF coat exactly, the cleaning environment gives aluminum coil well quality guarantee. Aluminum coil with high strength aluminum alloy of AA1100 other available with AA3003, AA3005, AA5005 according to customer.

Other color-coated aluminum sheets

1. Polyester coated aluminum coil

The polyester painted aluminum coil is made by coating polyester paint which can form varied decorative film on the aluminum surface. Features of Polyester Paint for Polyester Painted Aluminum Coil

  1. The polyester paint used for the aluminum coated coil is available in a wide variety of bright colors, which can meet different customer needs for bright, colorful interior decoration.
  2. The polyester paint glossiness is high up to 95%. It is ideal for advertising boards.

2. Nano coated aluminum coil

Integrating all the advantages of fluorocarbon baking finish, the dense nano coating upon the fluorocarbon baking finish can block oil stains or dust and keep it adhering to the surface of the aluminum coil. The dirt will be washed away by rain. With no need of a cleaning detergent, the aluminum coil with nano coating can greatly reduce your expenses for cleaning and maintaining the buildings. Due to the ravine-like molecular structure of fluorocarbon, the PVDF coated aluminum coil can be polluted inside. A neutral chemical detergent is a necessity to make the PVDF coating clean.

customized color coated aluminum coil

3. Brush finish aluminum coil,Clean chromated aluminum coil

Alyuminiy qotishmasi AA1100; AA3003
Bobin qalinligi 0.15mm, 0.21mm, 0.30mm, 0.40mm, 0.50mm
Bobin kengligi 1240mm, 1270mm, 1520mm,
Diametri 405mm, 505mm
Bobin og'irligi 2.5 uchun 3.0 tons per coil
Rang Silver & oltin

What is aluminum coil used for?

This coated aluminum coil can be used in industries like building, home appliance, electrical equipment, furniture and transportation. Through the use of internationally advanced double-coating double-baking and roller coating equipment, we at Panel can produce aluminum coated coil with fluorocarbon (PVDF) qoplama, polyester coating, and coating in special color. We annually make over 13,000 tons of aluminum coated coil in different specifications, with max. width of 1,600mm and max. thickness of 1.2mm. The aluminum coil is strictly inspected being cleansed . Then we coat PPG or paint containing 70% fluorocarbon resin onto the clean surface. This enables us to ensure the unsurpassed quality of our aluminum coated coil.

  1. The color coated aluminum coil is used for large steel structure factory buildings, exhibition halls, stadionlar, aeroportlar, temir yo'l stantsiyalari, shiftlar, va boshqalar.
  2. The color coated aluminum sheet in different thickness can be cut, pressed, punched and folded to suit use in large, long span roofing and siding systems.
  3. It can be cut into small pieces and processed to accommodate application needs in indoor decoration.
  4. Through the use of polyurathamc and aluminum honeycomb, the color coated aluminum coil can be used as energy-saving external wall cladding.

Coated aluminum coil for construction

Our product is coated with high-performance fluorocarbon, poliester, poliuretan va epoksi qoplama, and is widely used for roofs, facade cladding, shiftlar, aluminum curtains, composite panels, pipe wrap, advertisement plates, asboblar panellari, and other uses.

Trading offering of aluminum coil

As Chinses aluminum coil supplier and manufacturer, we are offering for international as followings: Wooden pallet bundle. L/C, T/T payment. Usually FOB quotation. Better order no less than 2000kg. Accept order made color with piece of sample customer offered, we need no more than 7 working days to offer sample you need, we mentioned here that it maybe has color difference occurred in different production batch, we suggest that for your have the same color for one project, you had better to have a order once.